Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Butterfly Garden

I've been away for a couple of days visiting my grandfather. We're not that close (I hadn't seen him in two years!) but we reckoned it would be nice to stay with him for a little bit. He lives in a nice little house right next to the woods AND they had the cutest 9 weeks young little kitten n.n I had been dying to play with a kitten for weeks!!
We also went to visit the nearby Butterfly Gardens. It was so nice and dreamy. I want a garden like this right next to my home so I can go and dream there on a daily basis. I want to share some pictures with you guys!
The butterfly on the left creeped me out a bit. HE'S WATCHING YOU. And aren't the patterns of the top butterfly super pretty!?
I was super excited to see the glasswing butterfly!! I had come across a picture of it sometime ago and I was amazed.. It has to be one of my favorite butterflies ever.
It was obviously very humid inside (hence the 'misty' effect in the first few pictures!) but at a certain point my camera seemed to get accustomed to it and the butterflies became better posers, just sitting on the plants letting me snap a couple of pictures. For some reason they also really loved sitting on my shoes.
I think he's missing his friend :c
Awesome colored plant is awesome.
They also had some other critters! All the caterpillars were so pretty and weird! And I also loved those vibrant yellow and green scarab beetles.


  1. Wow! It's beautiful, i'd love to go there! :]
    and the glasswing butterfly is one of my favs too :3


  2. Friggin awesome! I love butterflies! They're fantastic.
