Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Update: Chicago bound!

Hi everyone! Sorry about my sudden absence. The past few weeks I've been busy packing and moving house so there was pretty much no time for me to sit down and come up with blogposts. Right now we're settled in our temporary place though! But I still won't be posting because we're going to... CHICAGO! I'm superduper excited about this. Not only because I've simply always wanted to go there, but also because I'm getting to see No Doubt live :D Is this real life right now?? Gwen has been an inspiration for me for many many years and actually getting to see her in real life is going to be so unreal..

We're going to be roadtripping it there on Thursday (approx. an 8 hour drive) stay there for the weekend and then head back home. I'm planning on taking LOTS of pictures, eat lots of Chicago's pizza and pretty much be the ultimate tourist there. We've been having to pass up on a lot of things to do this, so I definitely want to get everything out of it!

Sooo... I should be back on track by next week with posts about my trip and other fun things I have lined up. I hope you all had a wonderful summer. Can you believe it's pretty much over already? It's still super hot here in Toronto, and apparently fall and winter is are going to be warmer than usual this year. Fingers crossed! Winters can be bitter cold and long here...

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