Sunday, July 1, 2012

*Picture Dump*

Happy July!
Here are some new and old pictures that I like but never really made it to a post. Oh and do you like my little teacup Favicon (the thing right next to my blog's name in your tabs)!? I thought it would never show up! But it finally does.
The prettiest flowers I ever got and some omnom 'vegetable pillows' with hot sauce.
My snail and spider holiday friends and black bean brownies I made yesterday!
They were quite delicious for something made out of black beans.
Pretty sky on the ferry back home, work in progress, delicious carrot cake and my snaily friend looking like an epic traveler.
Mushroom and leek pasta, neighbourhood kitties playing hide and seek in the backyard, cucumber/lemon/mint water and pretty pink and purple flowers!

Right now I'm at my 'home island' where I'd usually go to my mum and dad, but they're both not here! My dad left a while ago. He went off on his bicycle to cycle the Black Sea route. He's already done with that and cycled all the way up to Warschau, but he has passed through there too. Those are a lot of kilometres already! My dad is awesome. He sends me photos and postcards on a regular basis and it's great to be able to follow him on his journey.

My mum left yesterday for Romania. She's going to walk there and stay at/visit monasteries and churches. I think it's the first time she's really doing something for herself, but anyway, I'll be making a seperate post about all that a little later.

As for me, I'm still figuring out what ONE thing I desperately want to do/visit/see/experience this Summer. I just don't know. I know I said I was going to Paris again, but I changed my mind. So for now I'm just browsing the internet looking for my future new kitty, taking pictures and going crazy on Pinterest n.n


  1. I love your pictures!
    I've never had black bean brownies. They don't sound that good, honestly, but I've decided to give black beans a chance. I made a black bean pizzathing last night and it was AWESOME.

  2. @Grace thankies! You don't taste the beans at all! But once you know they're in there it does make them a little less tasty..
