Friday, June 26, 2015

The Little Things: Brownies & Dinosaurs!

Since it's been a while, I thought I'd share an extra long list of little things that made me smile the past few weeks :) Hope you enjoy!

Finding strange hairy caterpillars in the garden  fresh fruit salads  freshly dyed hair  going to the movies with the boyfriend in the middle of the day  pizza with bbq base, chicken and red onion  getting sweet messages from people  getting the hang of victory rolls and other vintage hair styles  buying a bunch of (cosmic!) brownies and cookies to munch on - reading more books and browsing the bookstore together!  receiving updates from my dad's awesome bicycle adventures 
Seeing vehicles from 'The City of Gotham' downtown (because they're filming Suicide Squad here! Unfortunately we didn't spot Joker Jared Leto..)  drawing faces on balloons  tomatoes as big as my face  receiving a print of my art and other awesome goodies from Redbubble!  pink fake flowers at work  experimenting with pencil crayons again
Dreamland Tea  Going to a free Hollerado show downtown  Zorro the cat being silly  wrapping presents in dinosaurs  Jurassic World! 90's music videos spotting pretty coloured flowers in everyone's yard the smell of summer  laughing my butt off at 'Fail Videos'

What is making you smile? One of my number one tips to a more positive, happier life is making a gratitude list every day. It keeps you in the moment and reminds you to be happy now, rather than thinking you'll only be happy when you get that new car or a better job. It takes from practice, but it's totally worth it!


  1. Your pink hair looks so pretty! I've been trying to slow down and smell the roses of late, I feel like it's been working and I'm starting to notice the little things and smile way more :)
