Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall is the best

Hello there!
My fall break has been pretty great so far. Went home for the weekend to hug my cat (and also kinda to see my family..). I even magically was able to whip up some sketches (equals homework). Yay productivity!
Idea for a poster I really got to start working on
Top reference picture by Monaux
After that weekend my mommy came back with me and stayed at my place for a couple of days so we could work some more on my room! And drink lots of tea. I also found the greatest most beautiful coat ever. This is a breakthrough for me. The curse has been broken. After years and years I have finally found a winter coat again that I'm absolutely in love with. Pictures will follow soon!
Fresh mint nomnom.
One of my favorite new additions to my room <3
I'll be sharing some pictures of all the new awesomeness soon, because right now my floor looks like this and it makes everything look kinda bad...