Thursday, June 5, 2014

Insta-life lately

It's summer!! Life has been nothing short of summery lately I do have to admit to I mostly just stay in with the doors open and paint, draw, read and write! Weekends are mostly spend outside though with bbq's, apple cider, music and friends. Despite last week being a series of unfortunate events, this week so far has been nothing short of greatness :)

I'm obsessed with browsing Rebel Circus, especially the Fashion and Inspiration pages. Every single thing is right up my alley and gives me so much inspiration!
June 2nd was my boyfriend's birthday and I finally got to give him my presents! He got his hands on one of the presents before I could give it to him, because it got in the mail and he thought it was something else he ordered himself. It was a vinyl of The Epoxies (check them out!!). Luckily that wasn't all I got him! He was very pleased with the little painting I made (I was nervous about giving it to him since I wasn't super happy with it) and also very happy with the Bioshock artbook and 2 bioshock vinyl decals of Fink mfg.
Two bands I've been listening to non-stop are the HorrorPops and Mad Caddies! All their albums are amazing, but especially this song and this song have been stuck in my head all the time.
Lately my glasses have felt more like a burden than ever before, I just want to get contacts! It probably won't happen until after the summer, but I'm determined to get them eventually.
The tea I've been sipping on is Snow Geisha white tea from Teavana.. how appropiate for summer
Slowly but surely I'm getting the hang of vintage/pin up hairstyles. So nice to have my hair out of my face :)
Whenever I need to take my mind off of worries and negative thoughts, I watch videos Cherry Dollface's channel. I'd been following her for some time now, but only recently re-discovered her. So glad I did!
Have you ever had an Oh Henry! bar? Because they're amazing.
For some reason I'm obsessed with this fake cupcake. It's basically what I strive to be as a person
Coming across really old pictures you thought were lost forever is the most awesome (and slightly emberassing) thing ever.
Did you know pink spiders exist?
I hope you're having a great day. Go get a strawberry milkshake and enjoy the sun!

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