Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Newness all around!

Hi guys!
Wow it's certainly been a long time. A little over a year to be exact. I guess I was just not inspired at all and had so many other things going on in my life that blogging on here was just moved to the backburner. I had more fun posting small and quick things on places like instagram or tumblr! But now I feel like I'm ready to get back into it. I miss sharing things like progress pictures of drawings, photo's of little things making me happy or just random pinterest inspiration. I feel like it's my purpose in life to bring some magic and happiness into people's everyday life, and this blog still seems like the perfect place for it!

So I changed my layout for a fresh new start! The banner is temporary until I feel inspired to design one myself. Talking about designing, I thought it would be nice to share some of the things I've been working on lately. Despite the radio silence here I did continue drawing (even got myself a little illustration job here!) and I've been trying to regularly post new designs in my Redbubble store.

There's just something strangely satisfying and exciting when you upload a design on there and immediately see it on all these different products. And of course it's even more exciting when somebody actually buys something! So far I've mainly sold stickers, but also a phone case and kid's shirts and it's so fun to think someone out there is walking around with your design :)
I also got 2 features so far on the website for the two designs below! Even though I mainly draw and design because it makes me happy, it's also a mayor motivation for me to see people appreciating and loving my work. Sometimes you can feel like you're just one illustrator in a sea of tons of other amazing artists. Getting featured definitely put a huge smile on my face and motivated me to keep designing!
I've also been working hard on my online portfolio. Uploading new work, making an easy navigatible website etc. You can check it out in the menu bar up there!

I'm think I'm going to leave it like this for now. Expect more frequent posting. Let's hope I can keep it up this time. Thank you for sticking around :)



  1. yay so good to see you back and still doing your art - looks awesome, congrats on the features!!
