Sunday, June 26, 2011


Today is one of these 'mehhh' days for me when it comes to art. A day on which I stumble across artists with a truly amazing and distinct style which reminds my of the fact I'm not the artists I want to be BY FAR. I always try to see other artists as an inspiration, but sometimes I just straight out envy them until that envy turns into jealousy and self loathing.

While browsing through all those artists I suddenly remembered an artists that had caught my eye a couple of weeks ago so I browsed through my insanely long list of bookmarks and.. I haz found her!
Introducing the amazing colorful work of chikuwaemil

I think her blog is really great too even though I can only look at the pictures. All those pictures of every day things that inspire her and pictures of her working space. It reminds me a lot of myself sometimes. Organized chaos.
This could seriously be a picture of my desk. All day every day. It's nice to know I'm not alone when it comes to this. c:

This is one of those moments I have to kick my own lazy butt. Tomorrow I want to go buy some ecoline. I miss that stuff. Maybe then I'll be motivated to make something again.



  1. I love how colorful and bright your art is.

  2. It's beautiful! I have absolutely NO idea how to pronounce that name though. I love how the pictures seem really complex, but they're actually fairly simple. Just basic shapes and colors and lines! And they're still amazing.

  3. Just checking out your blog after receiving a postcrossings card from you. Love your stuff. I am wondering if you are aware of urban sketchers. Check out They just draw everything (in their moleskin books ;@) I'm pretty sure it will be right up your alley.
