Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Real Beauty Sketches

Sometimes I'm a bit sceptical about the 'Real Beauty' campagnes of Dove. A couple of times after some research I found out some of it wasn't real at all and then I just don't know what to believe anymore. And I also don't really like the idea of companies using people's weaknesses for their own profit (which companies don't do that though?)

Their new 'Real Beauty Sketches' campagne really touched me though. It has a real truth to it and a beautiful message. I'm sure this campagne can really help women all over the world, even without them buying Dove products. It's really just about the stories of others, knowing you are not alone, and that you are your own worst critic.

It made me feel very sad when I read that 'Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful.' Can you believe that? That's such a tiny percentage. I see beautiful women every single day, and to think that almost none of them consider themself to be beautiful really troubles me.

For a while now I've been dreaming and thinking about what I could do to help. How I want to help. How I could reach out to women everywhere to let them know we should support each other and feel beautiful inside and out. I haven't figured that out yet, but there's just so much girl hate in this world, jealousy. Judging by that tiny percentage, we instead should cheer each other on to shine and be proud of who we are.

Please know that I think you are beautiful. Help me spread positivity and support by being nice to other ladies (even the ones who aren't being nice to you!). Don't talk about others behind their back! Give compliments. Bake a cake. Give hugs. Inspire others 


  1. This is a great post! That video almost made me cry a little.

  2. That is so true! I totally agree with what you say about spreading positivity, not criticism :)

  3. So inspirational, but it's the sad truth, we should love ourselves n.n

