Monday, July 13, 2015

The Little Things: books, books and froot loops!

Last weekend was pretty eventful! We got to get a glimpse of the PanAm Games going on in Toronto right now, which is actually pretty damn cool. We went down to the 'grounds' because there would be a free concert going on and there was a lot of other cool stuff going on! Especially with the amazing weather we're having I love being in this festival-ish vibe. Besides that I've been reading a lot, eating lots of delicious things and I will now put it all in a list for everyone to enjoy :)

Mango/pineapple smoothies  take out chinese and fortune cookies  Games of charades with friends  pretty red birds  the picture on my bodywash bottle  clumy penguin videos  going for a walk in the park with the cat who randomly decided to follow me the whole way  New Orange is the New Black  Making a 'to read' book list working in my permanent resident application and gettin to document our relationship so far in text and pictures c:  full breakfast when you're super hungry  lilac nails  froot loops  Zorro being silly and cute  Listening to records and reading with my love  Maynard's mini peaches  reading and browsing for hours in the bookstore to kill time (and lusting over the Vintage Tea Party Book for the 100th time)  slushies on a super hot day  Free USS concert at the Panam Games grounds  getting coke cans with our names on them  striking silly poses in a super expensive car  Watching 'Me, Earl and the Dying Girl' late night at the downtown theater (it was great!)  when you realize your nails are actually Creamy Garlic nails reading the book the next day  baking my favourite Oatmeal Lemon Creme Bars  Lazy Sundays after Busy Saturdays  Cruising to Circa Survive  Bubzvlogz (her baby boy is soooo cute and chubby! Her videos relax me and make me happy!)  This (to me) hilarious Lizard video

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