Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY Galore!

Lately I've been on a crafting roll. I found I get so much more satisfaction out of making and then wearing my own jewellery/accessories rather than just buying it in a store. It's also just a really nice break from the continuous school work. It really relaxes me, and you get something awesome out of it at the end! (if all goes right..)

These are a couple of things I've made last weekend:
Big pink lolita headbow!

Sparkly donut charm
Obviously, it's all very lolita-ish! Another great break from work for me these days is watching videos of lolita girls on youtube, talking about their outfits, make-up, toy collections or con adventures. It makes me so happy and it's so inspiring! Anyway, here's a little list of diy lolita tutorials, and I'm planning on doing all of them!

Kayzeekay has an awesome blog with some super cute tutorials! 
I definitely want to try these two.

I used this Lolita Bow Tutorial for the one I made, and I definitely want to make many more now! It's super easy and looks super cute!

Sweetorials on Youtube also has some of the greatest tutorials!

Do you feel like crafting something cute now too?
I sure hope so! Have fun c:

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